Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's the little things

I have been trying really hard to keep track of everything that has been entering my digestive system.  I have found that it's seriously difficult to keep up with my water intake when I'm at work.  It's been really busy lately and there is just no time between keeping customers happy to drink anything.  It kind of sucks.  But, it's all right.  It's also been very difficult to exercise and go for my walks when my walking partner hasn't been feeling that great lately.  Mom's foot and knee have been bothering her all week so we haven't been able to go.

On the plus side, I've gotten Emmi her own set of 1lb weights and she's been doing some strength training with me.  She does as much as she can and when she gets tired, she stops.  It's so cute to see my little one lifting tiny dumbbells!  I suppose it's good though because she's starting young and I'm making her realize that exercise is important.

I haven't had a chance to get weighed since I started trying to be good but, I have noticed that I feel much better and I've been able to deal with the hunger pains easier when they do happen.  I hope I'm doing enough for now.  Once I create more room in my apartment, I'll be able to get back into working out to my videos and weight will really drop off more.  I suppose I should get started on that soon...

Sunday, January 6, 2013

First Setback

So, I kind of fell off of the wagon yesterday.  I went to *GULP* McDonald's.  I suppose I could have been good while there and ordered a salad or something but, I didn't.  I had a meal and it was pretty yummy and I felt like crap afterward.

So, I'm back on track today.  Started the morning with a bottle of water and a bagel with peanut butter.  I guess I'll be okay.  I just need to exercise a bit today to make up for it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Benefit of being sick

Now, normally, I do not enjoy being sickly.  In fact, I never enjoy it.  So, much to my dismay, I ended up with a stomach bug the other day.  Thankfully, it was only a 24 hour bug and I didn't feed it at all and it left pretty quickly.  About as quick as it started.  I'm much better now.

So, what is the "benefit" you ask?  Well, since I didn't eat much for that 24 hour plus time frame, I was able to start off my New Year's Resolution pretty easily.  I haven't eaten much since then and I'm already a couple pounds lighter than I was the other day.  I would not recommend this though.  Not pretty.  But, it did help me out and, for that, I'm grateful.

Tomorrow starts my first walk around the mall with my mom!  It was going to happen on Thursday but, plans came up for her and she had to change days.  Our walk days are going to be Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Since today is New Year's Day though, we're going to start out in the middle of the week since we're not sure what's open.  I think it's an acceptable reason.

To start out today though, I've started counting calories.  I'm doing pretty well so far, I think.  I'm trying to drink tons of water and trying to stay a bit hungry throughout the day.  Hopefully this will work for me.  I might even pop in a video later and do a bit of cardio after I get my Christmas tree down for the year.  That should be an interesting project with two small children wanting "to help."  Wish me luck...

Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012... Hello New Me!

This is the final few hours of 2012.  I can't believe that this year went by so fast.  I know that the years will only get faster from here on out and there are many many changes to be made.  No matter what, I will stick to this plan of mine.  I spoke to my mother today who has decided to take this journey with me and, for that, I am incredibly grateful.  I know that I won't have to go it alone and with her help (as well as me helping her), we will get through the year together!

So tonight, I say goodbye to another year.  I say goodbye to bad eating habits.  I say goodbye to poor choices.  Instead, I say hello to walks twice a week, lots of water, and a healthy new lifestyle.  I found this picture a while back and feel like now is the time to share it...

I'm not sure what the origin of this photo is but it's scary how true it is.  This is how I look, how I feel.  I need to see this picture every now and then to remind myself to stay on track.  I can't wait to be healthy and to look back on this post one year from tonight and say, "I did it!"  It will happen.  I have every faith in the world that my mother and I can do what we only dreamed of.  The year 2013 will be the year of transformation!  May 2013 be your year to accomplish greatness as well!  Keep moving forward and Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

This is it

I have had it with being fat.  I realized a couple weeks ago that I have no motivation, no will power, and no room to do much of anything in my wee little apartment.  I'm not going to let that stop me though.  I am going to do this and I will not let anything hold me back.  I just found this picture today of what 100lbs of fat looks like just laying on a table.  I'm sad to say that it's just about that much that I would like to lose this year.  Here's the picture for those that are curious...

I know, it's not pretty.  And really, I'm not either with this lounging around on me.  I have lost weight before so, I KNOW that I am capable of doing it again.  This time though, I'm hoping to recruit my mother and possibly my sister and her husband as well.  I know that if we all support each other, we can accomplish anything together!

I also realized that I DO, in fact, have motivation.  My daughters.  My little girls who need their mother to be around for the next many decades to run, play, and have fun with.  I also want to do this for my own sanity and health as well.  And so, here is a "before" picture:

This picture is the most recent that I have of me.  It was taken back in mid October 2012 at a pumpkin farm.  It was a beautiful day and I was able to wear a tank top.  Little did I know that this picture was snapped of me.  I'm kind of glad it was now though so I have an "I don't wanna look like this anymore" picture.  

So, here it is... My goal:  I want to drop 1/3 of my body weight by this time next year.  That would be about 90lbs.  I want to eat healthy meals, exercise daily, and stick to my goals all year and, hopefully, for life.  This is the year of change.  I will be a new me by the time I'm done.  I will keep moving forward.  I will stay on track.  I will not punish myself if I slip up.  I will not fully deny myself of the things that I love because, that's not fair to me.  I will succeed!  I want to be a "loser" and I will do whatever I have to to make sure that I get there!  I hope you join me on my journey and offer positive reinforcement and encouragement.  It sure is appreciated.